Adult Film industry launches newest category: Biblically Accurate Porn.
If the crazy, fetish porn that you are watching now leaves you unsatisfied, then you should try the adult film industry's newest category, Biblically Accurate Porn.

With no great surprise, the amount of fetish porn has increased exponentially throughout the years. People have been raw-dogging their way further and further into the down the fetish pipe-line and once upon a time, where simple Lesbian or Pizza Delivery Guy porn would hack it, now they look for more creative ways the Adult Film Industry is presenting their products. In recent years, 'Family' porn has seeped its way into the mainstream. Stepdaughter, Stepsister or Family Affairs have been popular, and now dominate what people are watching.
Sharon Sharalike, the CEO of PornClub, one of the largest adult film websites, has taken these seemingly-odd genres one step further: Biblically Accurate Porn.
"It's the taboo aspect of porn that entices the viewer to watch." says Sharon. "I can't think of anything more sexually taboo than what is written in the bible."
Sharon goes on to explain that the amount of rape, incest and sexually deviant passages of the bible will make an incredible new genre of porn and they don't have to change the context like they do with other fantasy genres like Cosplay.
"It's right there for the picking. We don't even have to alter the script." says Sharon. The first porn, which was hugely successful, she explains, was Adam and Eve. "It was a gang bang where Eve takes on not only Adam, but Cain and Seth. Never has there been a foursome comprised of only family. It's making us a mint. Thank you, bible."
The stories that they are going to release in the next year are:
Noah and his family trying to populate the earth.
Lot and his daughters raping him.
God raping Mary while Joseph watches.
Because of the immense popularity of the genre, subscriptions start at $19.99 a month and go up to $39.99 which will include reenactments of current religious leaders and how they are fucking their congregations.
