Pentecostals flock to Pastor toddler who only speaks in tongues.
When a Pastor feels the spirit of the lord so much that he speaks in a language that not even he knows, some consider it a miracle. This...
Religious Woman ruins life of 'friend' who revealed Bible inconsistencies.
Savannah, GA. Martha Kranberra, 82, has been a long believer of the bible. Everything she has done in public has been to advance her...
Church annoyed after '$20 donation' turned out to be lecture on Evolution.
The first Church of the Trinity Blessed was appalled because an atheist has infiltrated the sanctity of the Church and left a 'fake'...
Satan blown away by cheap price of Evangelical souls.
Special Correspondent to Religimarole u/bill10351 The Prince of Darkness told reporters today that he was absolutely blown away by how...
Evangelical Christians protest: Close Reality Conversion Therapy Centers.
Evangelical Christians are now protesting the USA's libraries stating that they don't want their tax money going to buying books on...