
Giant bag of Dino Chow found in Turkey proving Noah's Ark is real!
A discarded bag of Dino Chow was found proving dinosaurs were on the Ark! For years naughty scientists and disbelievers have been...

American Standardized Bible: Marriage to include 'A man & his AR15'.
Americans have updated the bible to include American values. Including what defines a marriage. While the bible has been revised several...

Lack of church is leading to critical thinking; Christians are revolting.
The church closures during the quarantine are now causing those who attend to lift their heads out of the religious fog and to start to...

PROOF: Atheists faith in God triples when exposed to facebook memes.
When exposed to positive Christian messages and memes on facebook, an Atheists faith in God triples to what it once was. A study was done...

Cash-strapped Catholic Church lists St. Peter’s Basilica on Airbnb.
You now can go visit the largest Catholic museum in the world and sleep inside its doors. VATICAN CITY, Vatican. During the global...