
Psychics wanted for crimes against humanity for failing to warn about COVID 19.
If you've ever read a fortune, looked into a crystal ball or analyzed tea leaves you are now on the FBI's most wanted list for crimes...

BREAKING: Noah's Ark found under a massive pile of dead baby corpses.
Noah's Ark has been found buried under thousands of corpses, most of them babies. Mt. Ararat, Turkey. Fabled Animal charter Noah's Ark...

Tiny lights appear over LA during Pandemic. Christians cry rapture.
Millions of lights appeared in the night sky over Los Angeles. It could only mean one thing. Los Angeles, CA. As if by the will of some...

Vatican refuses to clean up slime trail left behind by Card. George Pell.
Cardinal George Pell was convicted of sexual abuse but is released from prison, but what of his slime trail? PERTH, AU. One of the most...

BREAKING: During quarantine, atheists stealing babies for food.
American Christians families are having their children stolen so atheists can feed their family. Normally atheists have quelled their...