Psychics wanted for crimes against humanity for failing to warn about COVID 19.
If you've ever read a fortune, looked into a crystal ball or analyzed tea leaves you are now on the FBI's most wanted list for crimes...
BREAKING: Noah's Ark found under a massive pile of dead baby corpses.
Noah's Ark has been found buried under thousands of corpses, most of them babies. Mt. Ararat, Turkey. Fabled Animal charter Noah's Ark...
Webster updates definition of 'American Christian' to include 'of questionable character'.
Several new words have been updated to the lexicon including 'American Christian'. Until now the term 'Christian' when used as an...
Christian Insurance Company refuses "Act of God" claims to atheists.
Even though the term is a placeholder for an unexplainable or natural disaster, A Texas Christian insurance company is taking the phrase...
Pat Robertson: Name the days of the week after Jesus, not false Gods.
So Pat doesn't have to invoke other God's names during any particular day of the week, he has devised a plan to rename the days after...