Pope Francis: Post COVID-19 women should be allowed to go to work.
Against his better judgement, Pope Francis has decreed that because of the economic and global disaster that this pandemic has brought,...
Rise in devil activity due to idle hands during Blue State quarantines.
The devil activity has increased almost 2300% due to the quarantining of blue states. "Idle hands are the devil's playground." has never...
BREAKING: Broth from the bones of Mother Teresa cures COVID-19
Gilbert Pilz, Special Correspondent to Religimarole. Mother Teresa has not stopped helping those in need even after her death. The...
Religious leaders refuse to pray away COVID 19. World held hostage.
It's been three weeks and the world's religious leaders all still refuse to get rid of COVID 19. When the world found out about COVID 19,...
Virus-infected homeless guy mistaken for the second coming of Christ.
With the coronavirus mutating and the world becoming a barren wasteland, Christians are still hopeful that the second coming of Christ is...