Quick-thinking Nuns exorcise woman selling devil's food cake at bake sale.
Things have never been the same for The First Church of the Trinity Blessed since the incident. MOBILE, AL, It was a dark day for the...
Rise in devil activity due to idle hands during Blue State quarantines.
The devil activity has increased almost 2300% due to the quarantining of blue states. "Idle hands are the devil's playground." has never...
BREAKING: Broth from the bones of Mother Teresa cures COVID-19
Gilbert Pilz, Special Correspondent to Religimarole. Mother Teresa has not stopped helping those in need even after her death. The...
SHOCKING: Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss comes out as a flat-universer.
From his lecture "A Universe From Nothing", Lawrence Krauss reveals why he believes that the universe is flat. Can a universe be created...
Atheists sneaking into churches and putting googly eyes on all the Christs.
"No Christ Left Behind" is the motto of a bunch of anonymous militant atheists who sneak into churches and place googly eyes on images...