BREAKING: Evangelicals rush to release the Trump Redacted Bible.
In the light of the Prayer Breakfast where Trump directly contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ, the religious right have released...
Satan blown away by cheap price of Evangelical souls.
Special Correspondent to Religimarole u/bill10351 The Prince of Darkness told reporters today that he was absolutely blown away by how...
Because of so many Christians, prison opts to become church.
A privately owned prison in Iowa applied for its 501c, non-profit after it realized that more than 90% of it's inmates were of the...
Catholic parents don't know how to react after finding son masturbating to bible.
While in the bathroom with the water running, his father questioned the teen why he was in there for so long, and when he opened the...
Evangelical Christians protest: Close Reality Conversion Therapy Centers.
Evangelical Christians are now protesting the USA's libraries stating that they don't want their tax money going to buying books on...