
Paula White, Trump's Spiritual Advisor, turned into a pillar of salt before our eyes.
Televangelist Paula White, was turned into a pillar of salt when she tried to preach that everyone who didn't think that Trump was the...

Jehovah Witnesses complain about intrusive Amber alerts on phones.
Amber alert in the early mornings really annoy Jehovah Witnesses, and they aren't taking it lying down. San Francisco, CA. The Jehovah...

Hell is revealed to be similar to a low scoring Redskins v Browns game.
Theologists have studied hell and have come to a consensus. We have already witnessed what Hell is like and it's a Browns vs Redskins...

BREAKING: Vatican severs ties with Big Fish in favor of Tofu on Fridays.
For years Catholics have eaten fish on Fridays but after a disagreement with their profit percentage, they have severed ties with the...

Chick-fil-A caves to Big Grammar and finally apologizes for their name.
After protests from the GASS, Chick-fil-A came out with a statement today apologizing for all the ills that they have caused the Grammar...