
Talking snake breaks silence in shocking tell-all book about Eden.
We all know the story of the Garden of Eden, the Snake and Adam and Eve, now hear the shocking tell-all story about what really happened....

Body of Christ accidentally served at Catholic Church Barbecue.
The Church of the Trinity Blessed fundraiser barbecue was a much anticipated event, until Father Francis accidentally served the body of...

POLL: 84% of gay men would totally let Jesus shred them.
A recent gallop poll questioned 10000 gay men on the sexiness of Jesus and a whopping 84% said they would totally do Jesus in a...

Christian sues gay man who broke his signed Babe Ruth bat during religious freedom attack.
BIRMINGHAM, AL. An old law on the books allows attackers of religious freedom to be sued for the damage to the property they were beaten...

BREAKING: Warren Commission Report concludes that there was a second apple in the Garden of Eden.
Genesis has one recounting of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Well, this week, Washington has released the heavily redacted Warren...