
BREAKING: During quarantine, atheists stealing babies for food.
American Christians families are having their children stolen so atheists can feed their family. Normally atheists have quelled their...

Trump's skin pigment can't hide that he's slowly turning into Satan.
Whereas others think that Trump puts on some sort of tanning base, the truth is revealed as to what the color of Trump's skin actually...

BREAKING: Evangelicals rush to release the Trump Redacted Bible.
In the light of the Prayer Breakfast where Trump directly contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ, the religious right have released...

Satan blown away by cheap price of Evangelical souls.
Special Correspondent to Religimarole u/bill10351 The Prince of Darkness told reporters today that he was absolutely blown away by how...

Paula White, Trump's Spiritual Advisor, turned into a pillar of salt before our eyes.
Televangelist Paula White, was turned into a pillar of salt when she tried to preach that everyone who didn't think that Trump was the...