
Christian sacrifices soul to be able to misinform people on the internet.
In an egregious violation of one of the ten commandments, A Christian has sacrificed their soul to Satan so they can purposely spread...

BREAKING: Angered Zeus, shows his wrath on Christ the Redeemer.
Zeus has been angered because Christians are making a mockery of his creation. Threatens apocalypse. Mt. Olympus. Zeus was in full-form...

American Standardized Bible: Marriage to include 'A man & his AR15'.
Americans have updated the bible to include American values. Including what defines a marriage. While the bible has been revised several...

PROOF: Atheists faith in God triples when exposed to facebook memes.
When exposed to positive Christian messages and memes on facebook, an Atheists faith in God triples to what it once was. A study was done...

Christian spends $100k on surgery to resemble savior, Muslim doctor makes him look like Mohammed.
In the mother load of all botched surgeries, a Christian is made to resemble the wrong savior. Mobile, AL. For the last five years,...