Muslim man accidentally marries a beach umbrella. "Is my face red."
When Sanjay Ragutan married the love of his life, he was shocked when after there wedding he discovered that she was just a beach...
Galilee Police break up house party. Underage Jesus caught providing wine.
16 CE, Nazareth, Galilee. A social deviant by the name of Jesus was arrested for orchestrating a series of underage house parties all...
BREAKING: Atheists have been de-converting the dead to become faithless.
Atheists are converting religious people to secularism after they've died and are buried in their own faith, preventing them from being...
Thrifty Rabbi makes furniture and accessories out of foreskins.
Rabbi Schmule Rosenfeltz, a mohel, which is a Jew trained in the covenant of circumcision, has created a new business out of the...
Scientologists de-converted after being forced to watch Battlefield Earth.
Scores of Scientologists are accidentally being de-converted after being forced to watch Battlefield Earth during their level 12...